Creating your own People magazine cover template in Adobe InDesign is a fun and creative way to showcase yourself or your beloved cat. With the help of InDesign and some imagination, you can design a blank People magazine cover template that captures attention and reflects your unique style.
When it comes to designing a cover for a magazine like People, incorporating the iconic People magazine font is crucial. The logo represents the brand's identity and should be prominently featured on the cover. The People magazine font is more than likely a custom font made for the publication. For this tutorial, we will create a replica using the Faltige font. After some customizing and adjusting, you will have a logo that is identical to the one used on People magazine.
Create a new document in InDesign by going to File > New > Document. Change the size to a portrait orientation 8.5 in x 11 in, 0.5 in Margins, and 0.125 in bleed on each side.
Open the Ragdoll Kitten photo in Adobe Photoshop. Go to Image > Mode > CMYK Color to change the image to CMYK. Next, go to Image > Image Size and change the Resolution to 300. Make sure Resample is unchecked.
Duplicate the kitten layer (Command-J) in Photoshop. With the duplicated layer selected, go to Select > Subject and create a mask.
Save the file as a PSD. Go to File > Save As and select Photoshop under Format. Jump back over to InDesign, select the Rectangle Frame Tool (F), and cover the background.
With the frame selected, go to File > Place. Select the Photoshop file you just saved and make sure Show Import Options is checked. Select Open. In the Image Import Options dialog box, make the first cat layer invisible by selecting the eye icon. Click OK.
Resize the image to 86% within the frame.
Select the cat frame and Edit > Copy, Edit > Paste in Place. Now we're going to place the masked kitten layer on this duplicated layer. Go back to File > Place and select the cat Photoshop file again, but this time make the second layer invisible and click OK. You should now have two cat layers: one that is masked and the other with a background.
Now we will create the People magazine logo. Using the Type Tool (T), type "People". Use the font Faltige, changing the font size to 170 pt, Vertical Scale 120%, Horizontal Scale 96%, and Tracking to -140. Adjust the font color to the Paper swatch and Stroke to the Yellow swatch. Change the Stroke Weight to 2 pt. Move the "People" text layer behind the masked kitten layer (Command-[).
Select the Rectangle Tool (M) and cover the bottom third of the magazine and Fill it with the Black swatch. Go to Object > Effects > Gradient Feather and change the Angle to 90°.
Select Transparency in the Effects panel. Change the Mode to Multiply and the Opacity to 40%.
Using the Rectangle Tool (M), create two rectangles and Fill them with the yellow swatch. Rotate each rectangle 8°.
Use the Type Tool (T) and type "Meet Gizmo" using these settings:
Type "Cutest Kitten Alive!" using the font Ventura Regular, 54 pt, and filled with the Paper swatch.
Add more information about your main story by adding a subheader to the left of the headline. Use the font Eco-Friendly Market Italic, 12 pt, and Paper swatch.
Add another article title in the bottom-right corner using the Ventura font.
Select the Rectangle Tool (M) and make a square above the article. Change the size to 2.31 in for the Width and 2.78 in for the Height.
With the square selected, go to Object > Corner Options. Change the shape of the bottom-left corner to Rounded and the size to 0.25 in.
Use the Type Tool (T) to type out another article in the black square. Use the font Eco-friendly Market Italic, size 19 pt, Underlined, and Fill it with the Paper swatch.
Open the cat with glasses image in Photoshop and convert it to CMYK, making sure the Resolution is set to 300. Save the file as a PSD. Back in InDesign, grab the Rectangle Frame Tool (F) and make a photo frame for your image. Go to File > Place and select the Photoshop file you just saved.
Make sure Show Import Options is unchecked when you place your image.Cat with glasses" width="870px" height="622px" />
Similar to the "Meet Gizmo" text, add a yellow highlighted text frame that says "INSIDE".
Select the Polygon Tool and click once on the cover. The Polygon options box should appear. Change the settings to 2.5 in, 20 Sides, and 10% Star Inset.
Change the Fill to Pink and the Stroke to Paper on the Polygon.
Type out "Special DOUBLE ISSUE" and Rotate the text frame 14°. Use the fonts Ventura Light Italic and Faltige.
Add another article title above the image of the cat with sunglasses. Use the fonts Ventura and Eco-friendly Market Italic.
In the top-right corner, add a Rectangle Frame and File > Place the cat in a sweater image after converting it to CMYK in Photoshop. Type out the name of your article using yellow rectangles placed below the cat photo.
Type the last article at the top of the cover.
Wrap up your People magazine cover template by typing the month and year under the People magazine logo.
In this tutorial, you learned how to create the iconic People magazine logo, along with choosing images that grab readers' attention and entice them to pick up the magazine. If you don't want to go through the hassle of seeing what your cover will look like in print, you should try placing it on a standing magazine mockup.
If you've ever dreamed of gracing the cover of People magazine, now you can make it a reality with your very own custom template. With a little creativity and the right tools from Envato Elements, you can design a stunning People magazine cover this week that captures your personality and style.
The cover of our Fashion Life Magazine sets the tone for what's to come. It's designed to make a statement and grab attention right from the start.
With a clean design approach, you can ensure that your travel magazine is visually appealing and easy to navigate. Quest is the perfect option for all your vacation-ready readers.
A custom-designed cover allows you to showcase the unique personality and style of your sports magazine. Whether it's featuring a dynamic action shot or highlighting a star athlete, the cover sets the tone for what readers can expect inside.
Not only does this template provide an aesthetically pleasing layout, but it also offers practicality. The use of Adobe InDesign ensures that you have full control over customization options, allowing you to personalize every aspect according to your brand's unique style and vision.
Are you in search of a fashion template that is not only visually stunning but also multipurpose? Our Multipurpose Fashion Magazine template, designed with Adobe InDesign, is the perfect solution for all your fashion publication needs.
Designing magazine covers requires a blend of creativity, attention to detail, and an understanding of the target audience. Whether you're designing for People magazine or any other publication, there are certain elements that can help you create captivating covers that stand out on the newsstands. Check out these resources to improve your cover design skills.