Application Security Architecture

Avi Networks

Application security architecture is a unified design that focuses on potential security risks and necessities involved in a specific environment or scenario. It is part of a move toward a shift left approach that makes application security part of the overall design and architecture of an application rather than introducing security later in testing. Application security architecture as an approach also specifies how, where, and when to apply security controls as part of a reproducible design process.

Application Security Architecture diagram showing tiers of security architecture: clients, users, and data.

Application Security Architecture FAQs

What is Application Security Architecture?

Modern applications typically have architectural three tiers, each presenting its own potential security risk profile.

Clients live on the top tier or front end of the mobile, web, or internet of things (IoT) application. Since the goal of this tier is smooth interaction, front end developers tend to prioritize a high-quality user experience. There are numerous attacks on this tier, including denial of service and injection attacks.

The application and data from users live on the middle tier of cloud application security architecture where processing takes place behind a protective firewall and other controls.

The bottom tier is where the backend lives, including cloud infrastructure, containers, operating systems, and anything needed to store data or run the application. Most attackers aim to penetrate this tier.

There are several challenges that modern application and network security architectures face. Although the topic of application security is broad and challenges for each organization may differ, here are a few more common issues that implicate and emphasize the need for secure web application architecture .

Inherited Vulnerabilities

Although there is no substitute for careful developers during the coding process, in modern applications some vulnerabilities are inherent. This is because software systems are constantly evolving, updating, and becoming more complex. In the process, it is a constant struggle to prioritize updates, fixes, and maintenance tasks. The result is lasting legacy code in many organizational environments, and risks to security that modern security tools may be less well-equipped to handle.

Third-Party and Open-Source Vulnerabilities

Frequent use of third-party and open source libraries, especially indirect dependencies, has also produced an attractive attack vector. Open source dependencies cause maintainers to accidentally release packages with vulnerabilities or malicious code. While scanning tools are critically important, they cannot catch all such vulnerabilities, and teams should build application security into the architecture by following best practices and enforcing them.

DevSecOps vs Shift Left

Teams should incorporate security throughout the development process by taking a shift left approach rather than DevSecOps which places scanning later in the software development life cycle. The bottleneck that results as development teams scramble for fixes, and triaging issues, results in many false positives and excessive lost time.

Tools for Centralized Management of Application Security Architecture

Application security teams require tools that allows them to constantly monitor and assess the security posture and each aspect of the application’s architecture. The best tools centralize all monitoring and reporting on a single dashboard.

Application Security Architecture OWASP

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a nonprofit that releases a yearly list of the top 10 web application security vulnerabilities . These highlights from the 2021 Top 10 Application Security list (the OWASP Top 10 2021 ) is based on data on the common vulnerabilities and risk profile of more than 500,000 applications.

This list offers some notable insights. One is that broken access control, previously at #5, is now the #1 threat on the list. Another change is that authentication and identification failures fell from #2 to #7. #3 is injection attacks, while #6 is vulnerable and outdated components.

Application security testing orchestration continuously integrates security and the development process as part of the overall cloud security posture. It is essential to include all levels of application security as part of this process, from code via dependencies to configuration in the cloud.

According to OWASP , the age of DevSecOps has forced the art of security architecture into the background in many organizations. The application security field must re-introduce leading security architecture principles to software practitioners and adopt agile security principles to catch up to a modern approach.

Application security architecture is a problem solving approach, not a specific implementation, so there is no single “correct” approach or one solution for architecture. A web application’s specific implementation is likely to be revised continuously throughout its lifetime, although changes to the overall architecture will usually be slow and rare.

The primary aspects of any sound application security architecture include: availability, confidentiality, non-repudiation, processing integrity, and privacy. Each of these application security architecture principles must be innate to all applications.

It is critical to the “shift left” approach to ensure that all security controls are present and functional. Application security architecture and design professionals must stay current with agile techniques, learning to code, adopting developer tools, and collaborating with developers rather than coming to the project months later.

OWASP’s application security architecture patterns , found here , depict a specific context for information usage. Based on application security architecture overview diagrams , these IT security architecture patterns are annotated diagrams with NIST controls catalog references.

Patterns that see repeat use across many IT Security Architectures are called modules—the client and server modules, for example. Since most patterns are divided up this way, they are much simpler to read, understand, build, and maintain.

What is the Application Security Life Cycle?

The application security lifecycle and the software development life cycle (SDLC) run parallel to each other. Traditional security approaches secure an application only late in development or after it is running in production. These development practices are earlier in the modern process, with security incorporated from the beginning of the SDLC into the runtime environment.

According to OWASP , Secure Software Development Lifecycle Requirements include:

OWASP also provides Authentication Architectural Requirements:

When proofing identity and designing authentication, all authentication pathways must have the same strength:

OWASP Access Control Architectural Requirements are as follows:

OWASP’s Input and Output Architectural Requirements are as follows:

OWASP Cryptographic Architecture Standards indicate:

Design applications with strong cryptographic architecture to protect data assets based on their classification. Strike a balance on what should be designed with cryptographic architecture during architectural or high level design or architectural stages or sprints. Architectural requirements demand consideration throughout the coding phase, and should be reviewed during security architecture and code review.

OWASP Errors, Logging, and Auditing Architecture:

OWASP Data Protection and Privacy Architecture:

Identify and classify all sensitive data into protection levels with associated protection requirements, such as integrity requirements, encryption requirements, privacy and confidentiality requirements, and retention requirements.

OWASP Communications Architecture:

OWASP Malicious Software Architecture:

Use a source code control system, accompanying check-ins with tickets for issues or changes and leaving identifiable users and traceability of all changes.

OWASP Business Logic Architecture: