The two candidates, Jessica Vega Pederson and Sharon Meieran are both current county commissioners who have served since 2016.
The Multnomah County chair is the chief executive officer of the county.
Both Vega Pederson and Meieran were out knocking on doors all weekend.
KATU asked the candidates "What makes you qualified for this position?"
"I've always tried to fight with tenacity to get results. And I've done it in a way that's very collaborative. And really bring people together. Especially people who are most impacted by the issue at hand," Pederson said.
"I was a lawyer many years ago. And so I'm able to cut through the legalese and do a lot of the operations and administrative work that's so important," said Meieran.
Both candidates said helping the houseless community should be one of the county's top priorities.
So KATU asked, "What specifically would you do if elected?"
"For the emergency term, right now, I would declare homelessness a public health crisis," Meieran said.
"I think we need to look at how we can better partner in cleaning up debris, and garbage that is associated with unregulated homelessness camps," said Pederson.
The winner will replace the current chair, Deborah Kafoury, who is at the end of her term limit.