What to do if someone is threatening you

It can be scary and stressful when someone is threatening you. It is important to know how to respond to threats and protect yourself. Learn about the steps you can take, how to report threats, and get help.

Types of threats

A threat is when someone says or shows they want to harm you or your property. These can include physical or emotional harm, damage to your belongings, insults, trying to frighten you, or abuse. There are different types of threats and ways to respond to them.

In-person threat happen when someone near you shows they want to cause harm.

Phoned threat is made on a call. Sometimes threats made over the phone can be “prank calls”. This is when someone is joking and the threat is not real. It is often best to treat it as real if you are unsure.

Electronic message threat is typically received through text message, social media, or email.

Hate crimes are threats that have to do with your race, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, or other identities. There has been a rise in hate crimes toward Asian Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic.

How to respond to a threat

What you should do depends on the type of threat and how serious the threat is.

If you are being threatened in person:

Call 911 if you or someone else is in immediate danger. Learn what to expect when you call the police.

If you are being threatened over the phone or by a message:

If the threat relates to you being an immigrant:

After experiencing a threat, try to find emotional support. Talk to a trusted family member, friend, community group, or a mental health provider. Learn more about mental health services.

If you witness someone being the victim of a threat:

Report a threat

You can report threats of harm to your local law enforcement or other organizations that offer help. You can also report threats to certain authorities depending on the location of the threat.