Retainer Agreement: The Definitive Guide for Legal Professionals

Retainer Agreement: The Definitive Guide for Legal Professionals

Retainer Agreement: The Definitive Guide for Legal Professionals

A retainer agreement is a crucial tool for legal professionals, providing a structured and beneficial framework for both clients and attorneys. This guide aims to demystify the concept of retainer agreements, explaining their importance in ensuring clients have guaranteed access to legal services while offering lawyers financial stability and the opportunity to build long-term relationships. By detailing the types of retainers, the key components of a retainer agreement, and the advantages for both parties, this comprehensive resource equips legal professionals with the knowledge to create effective agreements that foster trust, clarity, and efficient service delivery.

What Is a Retainer?

A general retainer agreement, often referred to in a legal or professional service context, is an arrangement in which a client pays a recurring fee to a professional, such as a lawyer, consultant, or advisor, to guarantee their availability for services as required. This fee, which can be paid upfront or periodically (e.g., monthly or annually), secures priority access to the professional’s expertise and advice without the need for immediate payment per service rendered. The agreement typically outlines the scope of services covered, ensuring the professional is on call to address the client’s needs promptly. This arrangement benefits clients by providing assured, timely access to professional support, often at a discounted rate, and fosters a continuous, in-depth understanding of the client’s ongoing needs and circumstances. For professionals, it offers financial stability and the opportunity to build enduring client relationships, creating a mutually advantageous partnership.

What Is a Retainer Agreement in Law?

A lawyer retainer agreement is a contract between a client and an attorney outlining the scope of the legal services to be provided, the terms of compensation, and other important details related to the attorney-client relationship. This agreement serves as a foundational document that establishes the parameters of the professional relationship, ensuring that both parties have a clear understanding of their rights, obligations, and expectations.

Types of Legal Retainer Agreements

There are several types of legal retainers that cater to different needs and circumstances. Each type of legal retainer agreement provides a different payment structure and scope of services to suit various legal needs.

General Retainer Agreement: This type of agreement involves a fee paid to ensure that a lawyer is available to handle any legal issues that arise for the client over a certain period. It is typically used by businesses or individuals who anticipate needing ongoing legal advice but do not have a specific case in mind. The payment structure often involves a regular (e.g., monthly) payment to keep the lawyer on call.

Special Retainer Agreement: This agreement is for a specific case or legal matter. The lawyer agrees to represent the client for a particular task or case, such as litigation, divorce, or any other specific legal issue. The fee is usually calculated based on the estimated amount of work required for the specific case.

Advance Fee Retainer: In this type of agreement, the client pays an upfront fee, which the lawyer will draw from as they perform work on the case. It is used in various legal matters where an upfront payment is needed to start the work. The initial deposit is held in a trust account and is billed against as work is completed.

Flat Fee Retainer: The client pays a single, fixed fee for the completion of a specific legal task or case. This type of agreement is suitable for legal services with a predictable scope and duration, such as drafting a will, setting up a business entity, or handling a straightforward divorce. A one-time payment is made, covering all services related to the specific task.

Contingency Fee Retainer: The lawyer agrees to represent the client with the understanding that their fee will be a percentage of the client’s awarded settlement or judgment, only if the case is won. This type of agreement is common in personal injury cases, class action lawsuits, and other civil litigation where the client may not be able to afford upfront legal fees. The lawyer receives a pre-agreed percentage of the client’s recovery if the case is successful; otherwise, the lawyer typically receives no fee.

Hourly Fee Retainer: The client pays for the lawyer’s services based on the number of hours worked. This type of agreement is suitable for cases where the amount of work required is uncertain, and it’s difficult to predict the total cost upfront. The client pays an hourly rate for the time the lawyer spends on the case, often with an initial retainer deposit.

Hybrid Retainer Agreement: This type of agreement combines elements of different retainer types, such as a lower hourly rate plus a contingency fee, or a flat fee with additional hourly charges for extended services. It is useful in complex cases where different phases of the case might benefit from different payment structures. The payment structure is a combination of fixed fees, hourly rates, and contingency percentages, depending on the agreement.

Example Scenario of Different Retainer Agreements

For instance, a corporation might retain a law firm on a general retainer basis for ongoing legal advice on various matters, paying a monthly fee to ensure immediate legal support when needed. An individual could hire a lawyer to handle a specific divorce case, agreeing on a fee for the entire process, which exemplifies a special retainer agreement. A small business might pay an advance fee to a lawyer for assistance with contract negotiations and drafting, with the fee held in a trust account and billed against as work is done.

An entrepreneur could pay a flat fee to a lawyer to set up a limited liability company (LLC), while a personal injury victim might hire a lawyer on a contingency fee basis, where the lawyer will receive a percentage of the settlement if the case is won. A client might hire a lawyer for an ongoing litigation case, agreeing to an hourly rate and paying an initial deposit against which the hours will be billed. In a hybrid retainer agreement, a client might engage a lawyer for a patent infringement case with a combination of a lower hourly rate for initial consultation and a contingency fee if the case goes to court and results in a financial award.

What Are the Advantages of a Retainer Agreement?

A lawyer retainer agreement offers several advantages for both clients and professionals, such as lawyers, consultants, or advisors. These benefits can enhance the relationship and provide greater predictability and stability for both parties.

Advantages for Clients

  1. Guaranteed Access to Services
  1. Cost Predictability
  1. Continuous Support
  1. Preferential Treatment
  1. Financial Flexibility

Advantages for Professionals

  1. Steady Income
  1. Long-Term Client Relationships
  1. Resource Allocation
  1. Enhanced Client Trust
  1. Stability and Security

Mutual Benefits

  1. Clear Expectations
  1. Streamlined Processes
  1. Proactive Service
  1. Improved Efficiency

In summary, retainer agreements offer a structured and beneficial framework for both clients and professionals, providing financial predictability, guaranteed access to services, and fostering long-term, trust-based relationships.

Retainer Agreement

How to Write a Retainer Agreement

Writing a law firm retainer agreement involves creating a clear and comprehensive document that outlines the terms and conditions of the professional relationship between a client and a service provider. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to write a retainer agreement:

Title and Introduction

Title: Clearly state that the document is a “Retainer Agreement.”

Introduction: Begin with an introductory paragraph that states the date of the agreement and the names of the parties involved (the client and the service provider).

This Retainer Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between [Client’s Name] (“Client”) and [Service Provider’s Name] (“Service Provider”).

Scope of Services

Description: Detail the specific services that the service provider will offer under the agreement. Be as specific as possible to avoid misunderstandings.


The Service Provider agrees to provide the following services to the Client: [Detailed description of services]. These services include, but are not limited to, [list specific tasks or projects].

Retainer Fee and Payment Terms

Retainer Fee: Specify the amount of the retainer fee, how it will be paid, and the frequency of payments (e.g., monthly, annually).

Billing and Payment Terms: Explain how additional services will be billed, payment due dates, and any penalties for late payments.

The Client agrees to pay the Service Provider a retainer fee of [$ Amount] per [month/year]. This fee is payable on the [specific date] of each [month/year]. Additional services beyond the scope defined in Section 1 will be billed at a rate of [$ Hourly Rate] per hour. Payments are due within [Number] days of invoicing.

Duration of Agreement

Term: State the duration of the agreement and the conditions for renewal or termination.

This Agreement shall commence on [Start Date] and continue until [End Date], unless terminated earlier in accordance with Section 6. This Agreement may be renewed upon mutual written agreement of both parties.

Responsibilities of Parties

Service Provider’s Responsibilities: Outline the duties and responsibilities of the service provider.

Client’s Responsibilities: Outline the duties and responsibilities of the client.

Service Provider’s Responsibilities:

  1. Provide the services described in Section 1 in a professional and timely manner.
  2. Maintain confidentiality of all client information.
  3. Communicate regularly with the Client regarding progress and any issues.
  1. Provide necessary information and documentation required by the Service Provider to perform the services.
  2. Cooperate with the Service Provider and respond to requests in a timely manner.
  3. Make payments as outlined in Section 2.


Termination Clause: Describe the conditions under which either party can terminate the agreement and any notice requirements.

Either party may terminate this Agreement with [Number] days written notice. In the event of termination, the Client shall pay for all services rendered up to the termination date. Any remaining balance of the retainer fee will be refunded to the Client within [Number] days.


Confidentiality Clause: Ensure that the service provider agrees to keep client information confidential.

The Service Provider agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all information provided by the Client and will not disclose such information to any third party without the Client’s prior written consent, except as required by law.

Dispute Resolution

Dispute Resolution Clause: Outline the process for resolving any disputes that may arise under the agreement.

Any disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be resolved through [mediation/arbitration] before initiating any legal action. The parties agree to select a mutually acceptable mediator/arbitrator and to share the costs equally.


Miscellaneous Provisions: Include any additional terms, such as amendments, entire agreement, governing law, etc.


Signatures: Provide spaces for both parties to sign and date the agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Retainer Agreement as of the date first above written.

[Client’s Name] [Service Provider’s Name]

Client Service Provider

Date: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________

By following this structure, you can create a clear and comprehensive retainer agreement that outlines the expectations and obligations of both the client and the service provider.