Contact Us

Contact customer service about any of the following, or click on them to read more before you call:

Contact Special Services

Contact special services about any of the following. Please note that fares are currently waved:

Sun Link Track Access

Sun Link Track Access

The Track Access Request Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) applies to all persons, companies, organizations & agencies that want to conduct work or special events on or near the Sun Link Right of Way. Before a Track Access Request can be approved, designated personnel must be certified to work on the Sun Link ROW by attending a ROW Worker Protection training course, offered free of charge at the Sun Link Operations & Maintenance Facility. To request a training session or to get more information about Sun Link Track Access, call (520) 791-3333 – option 2 or email

Feedback & Inquiries

Sun Tran is committed to providing excellent customer service to our passengers. The Customer Services section of this site is designed to educate you on the services we provide, help you determine the many ways to get your questions answered and how to contact one of Sun Tran’s helpful Customer Service Representatives. Remember, we’re here to help make your trip on Sun Tran a pleasant experience.