Medicaid & CHIP

Get Marketplace coverage if you lose or are denied Medicaid or CHIP coverage

Get coverage now
Fill out an application, compare plans, and enroll in Marketplace health coverage. Log in or create account to start your application.

Your state may be re-starting the renewal process to check if you're still eligible to keep Medicaid or Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Your state will reach out to you if they need more information. To prepare:

If your state finds that you no longer qualify, you may lose your Medicaid or CHIP coverage.

You may be able to get health coverage through the Marketplace with savings if you or others in your household:

Explore your health care options (PDF, 380 KB)

The Marketplace may contact you. When you lose Medicaid or CHIP coverage, your state securely sends your contact information to the Marketplace. We’ll use it to mail you a letter about Marketplace coverage. We may also follow up with you by phone, text, or email, if you gave that contact information to your state.

But, you don’t need to wait for us to contact you to apply and enroll in Marketplace coverage.

Local help in your community

About a month after we send you the first letter, if you haven’t enrolled in coverage, a Marketplace assister in your community may contact you by phone, text, or email with the information you provided to your state Medicaid or CHIP agency.

Assisters are trained by the Marketplace to give you free, fair, impartial, and accurate information about your health coverage options, answer your questions, and help you enroll in a Marketplace plan, Medicaid, or CHIP. Assisters will: