Minnesota Airport Directory Photo Contest is now open! Love capturing Minnesota's stunning skies and vibrant flying community? Submit your best photos showcasing the spirit of Minnesota aviation—whether it's breathtaking aerial views, special moments at the airport, or the incredible airplanes in our state. Submit photos to Mina.Carlson@state.mn.us. Deadline: October 31st. (click image to enlarge)
Minnesota is preparing for a future where advanced aircraft move passengers and cargo in Minnesota. Join us for this free nine-webinar series as AAM experts from across the nation share their experience, insight and expertise. Learn more, join live or view recorded webinars.
We have completed the review and scoring of SFY25 Airport Capital Grant Applications. View the published scoring list
There is a new law regarding meteorological towers in Minnesota.
We strongly encourage you to pay your bill by credit card or E-check online using our website. To pay online you will need your aircraft N-number and the Owner Access Code which you will find on the upper right hand corner of your bill. You may also send payment by mail however no payments will be accepted in-person at the Aeronautics building.
MnDOT Aeronautics has created an AWOS NavAIDS Weather Location App. This web page link to Minnesota airport locations that have AWOS weather updates from the anyAWOS website.
The Minnesota Airport Directory and Travel Guide has gone digital with both a ForeFlight Content Pack download, as well as an interactive web map:
The Fly Minnesota Airports Passport program is sponsored by MnDOT Aeronautics and the Minnesota Council of Airports to promote general aviation in Minnesota.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation conducted a study of the annual economic impacts generated by 126 of Minnesota’s 133 public airports. In addition to the 126 study airports, there are seven public airports owned by the Metropolitan Airports Commission. The MAC previously completed two economic impact studies and those results were integrated into the Statewide Airport Economic Impact Study to estimate statewide totals.
Minnesota airports contribute $18.2 billion annually to the state economy.